About the Artist

angela justice preserving moss

Primarily known as a biotechnology executive and advisor to senior leaders, Angela is now embracing a new chapter as an artist. Leveraging her background in neuroscience, she skillfully intertwines the beauty and mysteries of the natural world with the intriguing depths of the human mind.

Blending art and science has been a theme throughout Angela's life. Trained as both a dancer and neuroscientist, she excels at balancing creativity with scientific rigor, bringing a unique perspective to her evolving artistic journey.

Angela's process begins with sustainably foraging and meticulously preserving the mosses and other elements used in her creations. Without preservation, these unassuming wonders would fade into the past. Angela’s technical expertise ensures that their unique characteristics—from intricate textures to subtle variations in color—are retained, suspended in time. Once preserved, each element becomes a storyteller, thoughtfully arranged into a multidimensional composition that invites contemplation and connection.

Embarking on a journey through Angela's art, viewers become active participants in the exploration of mysterious landscapes. Each piece offers a heightened awareness of the often overlooked beauty that exists all around, and within, each of us.


Whether you're looking for one-of-a-kind artwork to transform your home or office, a multiple piece installation for your business, or a unique and meaningful gift, let's discuss your foresthetic. Contact Angela for a consultation.  

Get in touch.

cellphone wallpaper abstract moss art
cellphone wallpaper abstract moss art iphone